Reducing Legionella Risks in Hotels
Posted on 29th October 2021
Health and safety regulators everywhere now recognise that the risk of Legionnaires’ disease is preventable if the correct control procedures are followed. It’s therefore vital that every hotel has procedures in place to control the growth of Legionella bacteria to ensure the safety of their employees, guests, and the hotels reputation.
However large or small your establishment is, the health and safety of hotel guests is a vital consideration in the day-to-day running of your business. If there is a growth of Legionella bacteria in your water system, there is a possibility it could lead to an outbreak of the potentially fatal Legionnaires’ disease. This could result in fines, damages and the closure of your hotel.

Reducing The Risks
Legionella thrives in stagnant water in the 20-50oC temperature range and travels in airborne water droplets. If inhaled, the bacteria can infect a person’s lungs causing the potentially fatal Legionnaires’ disease.
Showers, taps, air conditioning units, hot tubs, whirlpool baths, steam rooms, swimming pools, hosepipes and sprinkler systems all pose serious health risks if not monitored correctly.
You also need to examine your hotel’s pipework. If it is corroded, dirty or has a biofilm (a slimy coating), then the risks are greater and therefore it is important to test for Legionella and take preventative measures.
Steps you and your hotel staff can take to control the risks from Legionella include:
Book a risk assessment with us to ensure you are taking all the necessary precautions and to highlight any areas for improvement.
If rooms aren’t occupied, showers, baths, and sinks need flushing at least once a week to prevent water stagnating.
Hot water needs to be kept at a minimum of 60oC and cold water at a maximum of 20oC.
Book regular water sampling for peace of mind
Regular cleaning, descaling and disinfection must be carried out on all water outlets
Responsible Person
It is a legal requirement that every hotel must appoint one named person to take on the responsibility for controlling the risks from Legionella. It is also valuable if all staff are aware of the bacteria and understand why it’s so important to keep it under control, as well as know ways in which they can help prevent an outbreak.
Our online training courses about the control of Legionella can help you and your staff.
If you need any help or advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.
Tagged as: aylesbury, bedfordshire, Blog, buckinghamshire, control, courses, cqc, geswater, Health & Safety, hertfordshire, homelearning, hotel, hottub, Legionella, Legionella Tech, Legionnaires Disease, Outbreak, Water, waterhygiene, Waterquality, watersampling
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