Legionella Concerns at Care Home
Posted on 20th January 2022
A care home has been placed in special measures after inspectors raised concerns over fire safety, legionella and 'unsafe recruitment'.
A newly published report that details a catalogue of safety failings at the home reads: “People were placed at risk because fire safety was not safely managed.
“The provider and registered manager had not actioned all the recommendations on their most recent fire risk assessment.
“For example, not all staff had completed fire safety training.”
The report does later note that the home took action to improve fire safety, both during and after the inspection.
Another major concern was the failure to provide evidence of any legionella risk assessments and monitoring.

The registered manager took action during the inspection to arrange the necessary checks and provided evidence this would take place following the visit.
Hot radiators without appropriate coverings, various pieces of broken furniture in poor condition, lack of incident reporting and the home’s poor recruitment practices were also amongst the list of inspectors concerns at the care home.
This once again highlights the importance of legionella risk assessments and monitoring, and sufficient training in areas such as fire safety.
GES Water provide various online courses to ensure compliance alongside our water hygiene services. Please contact us here for more information.
Tagged as: carehome, carehomes, closed, cqc, GES Water, GESWater, Legionella, risks, rochdale, stamfordhouse, Training, waterhygiene
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