Every Premise with a hot and cold water system must have a Legionella Risk Assessment undertaken by law.
This is because Legionella Bacteria is naturally found in water.
Many factors influence how well the bacteria multiplies and survives. e.g. water temperature, tank size to usage ratio, dead legs, stagnation as well as deposits and scale. Having a Legionella Risk Assessment is a mandatory and crucial step towards complying with HSG 274 and ACOP L8.
Legionella Risk Assessment (LRA)
GES Water are one of a handful of companies that have the UKAS ISO 17020 Risk Assessment Accreditation which provides the highest quality for our LRA’s.
Our Assessment includes:
Full site survey of the whole hot and cold water system.
Tank inspections
Review of present LRA
Review of present control program.
Full range of temperature checks
Complete assessment of every hot and cold water outlet
A full list of low use outlets
Detailed remedial list where we find non-compliant issues such as deadlegs.
Overall risk summary
Full schematic of the whole hot and cold water system detailing sentinel points, TMV outlets, showers, tanks, calorifiers and low use outlets.
Site Legionella Management Team
Once we have completed the LRA we can provide a full management plan and simple monitoring system (optional extra cost).
Water Sampling
Although not necessarily required under ACoP L8 recommendations water sampling is required under the following circumstances.
When the Legionella Risk is high e.g. health care building
Where the LRA recommends water sampling as part of the Legionella Risk Management Plan.
When the premises has had a major refurbishment of the Hot and Cold Water Services.
Where there has been regular non-compliance conditions.
In real terms however good the risk management plan is, the only absolute way of guaranteed water quality with respect to the presence of Legionella bacteria is to carry out a Legionella test from selected outlets in the hot and cold water system.
There is a strict procedure for collecting and analysis water samples including the use of sterilised sample bottles and the requirement for the analysis to be carried out by a UKAS ISO 17025 Accredited Laboratory.
GES Water can also provide water quality sampling for other critical dangerous organisms such as E coli, pseudomonas and a general total viable bacteria count (TVC).
Legionella Training – Legionella Awareness Training and Bespoke Legionella Training
As part of any Legionella Management Programme it is essential that the management team undertaking the control programme are trained and competent and understand hot and cold water system requirements with respect to Legionella Risk Management programme.
For each premise there is a requirement to appoint a Duty Holder. The Duty Holder is absolutely responsible under legislation for the management of risk from Legionella in hot and cold water systems. It is possible to delegate the tasks for Legionella control to responsible persons or a specialist Legionella contractor.
In every case the Duty Holder and Responsible Persons need to have a thorough understanding of the control of Legionella Bacteria within the hot and cold water system.
GES Water provide a range of training programmes that will provide the information and knowledge for Legionella Risk Management.
These include:
Online (Individual)
A basic Legionella Management module that provides a basic level of risk awareness training.
Online (Teams / Skype)
Training course that can accommodate up to a maximum of 10 people and provide a more interactive training course that is CIBSE approved. At the end of course a test is undertaken by each attendee. If the results are satisfactory a certificate will be issues to each individual. (Proof of Training as required by ACoP L8).
Onsite Training
A GES Legionella Training Manager will attend site and train up to 10 persons. As well as a general Legionella Awareness training programme we can provide a more bespoke course to cover the requirements of the Duty Holder and Responsible persons. The onsite session can also provide some practical training where required.
Remedial and Routine Hot and Cold Water System Service Work
GES Water have a team of qualified hot and cold water engineers who can be used by or customers for the following services:
Routine Monthly Temperature Monitoring
Routine Quarterly Shower and Tap cleaning
Tank Cleaning and disinfection
Down services disinfection
Calorifier Cleaning
Tank inspections
Tank Refurbishment
TMV Servicing and Cleaning
Water Sampling
Dead End and Dead Leg Removal
On some sites our customers do not have staff to carry out the necessary routine and remedial works.
GES Water will be very pleased to provide any or all the services listed above.
Your GES Water Account Manager will be pleased to provide details and costs for the work you require.
Emergency and Priority Hot and Cold Water System Service
There are times when circumstances dictate that immediate action is required to resolve problems.
These could be where water sample results indicate a dangerous level of Legionella Bacteria in the hot and cold water system, or when a supply water tank has been contaminated and needs immediate cleaning.
GES Water will be pleased to offer advise and engineers to provide emergency service if required.
Please contact us and we will provide costs and schedules to accommodate the resolution of the emergency situation.
Cleaning and Disinfection Services
GES Water are experienced in hot and cold water system cleaning and disinfection.
Tank and Calorifier
If, on inspection a tank or calorifier requires a clean and disinfection, due to unsatisfactory conditions, then we recommend that a specialist cleaning team is employed.
Alternatively if the water samples show water quality conditions show high levels of legionella (or other dangerous micro organisms) then disinfection would have to be undertaken.
Under ACoP L8 and HSG274 Part 2 (for Hot and Cold Water services) the procedure is well defined.
GES Water can provide all the labour, equipment and disinfection agents to ensure that the system(s) are cleaned in accordance with legal requirements. On completion a full report with photos and disinfection certificates would be provided.
Down Services and Mains water Pipework
If the hot and cold water systems should become infected or alternatively if routine control has showed non-conforming results then as part of the Legionella Risk Management programme it might be appropriate to disinfect the down services.
GES Water can provide all the labour, equipment and disinfection agents to ensure that the system(s) are cleaned in accordance with legal requirements.
If you require advice then please contact us and we will provide you with a cost and schedule for the necessary work following a full survey and assessment.