We are one of the UK's top Legionella and Water Hygiene specialists 
0800 121 8808 
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Our thoughts go out to all of you who have been affected by this difficult event as we face the reality of a second lockdown. Your health, and the health of our staff, is our absolute priority and we want to reassure you that we’re open for business and doing everything in our power to ensure our clients continue to receive our services. 
As some businesses are preparing to close for potentially long periods of time once again, the need to continue with the regular checks on your water systems are vital. We encourage that regular compliance tasks are kept up to date; for example, the flushing of water systems when they become low-use. While premises are empty and the use of water is reduced, it gives bacteria in water an opportunity to grow. 
Please consider the following in order to stay compliant and prevent Legionella growth if your premises is closing or partially closing: 
Regular flushing of outlets throughout the building in order to simulate occupation of the building and prevent any stagnation. 
Frequent checks on water system flow and return temperatures. 
Review your risk assessment procedures and ensure all recommendations have been actioned. If required, consider a new risk assessment. 
Frequent water sampling. 
Please remember, the government have stated a month-long lockdown but it’s important to be prepared for a potential extension on this timeframe. All duty holders must be taking the reasonable steps to control risk from Legionella throughout this time. 
Finally, should you have any questions regarding any of the above then please do not hesitate to contact us. 
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