BS8580-2 2022: What’s New?
Posted on 7th July 2022
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other waterborne pathogens have previously not been considered in Legionella Risk Assessments. To address this, a new Standard has been put in place to assist with and improve public health and leisure industry risk assessments.
The approach within BS8580-2 is like that used for a water / Legionella risk assessment but with additional considerations.
Recommendations and guidance on how to carry out risk assessments for Pseudomonas aeruginosa are included, and there is also information on nontuberculous micro bacteria (an organism of increasing concern particularly in healthcare).
It is important to review your current processes. A gap analysis should be undertaken to establish any omissions in current processes and a template is provided within the British Standard. A pre-assessment pro-forma is also provided within Annexe A of the standard.
Please note that although the document is comprehensive in its approach, an organisation is not expected to carry out risk assessments for all waterborne pathogens - this is neither reasonable nor practicable, instead the need for a risk assessment may be led by the clinical identification of an organism.

This standard is applicable to all types of healthcare provision, and is applicable in education, travel, leisure, and commercial premises where there are additional systems or equipment that could pose a risk of waterborne pathogens. The standard also includes above ground drainage systems, which wouldn’t typically be included in a legionella risk assessment, but they are a rich source of waterborne pathogens which can cause infections particularly in healthcare settings.
Anyone conducting Legionella risk assessments such as duty holders or others involved in maintaining the safety and efficiency of a water system should read this new standard. In doing so, they will gain an improved understanding of the risk factors in areas where infection from Pseudomonas aeruginosa may be possible.
If you would like any help understanding or implementing this standard, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team here.
Tagged as: 2022, Aylesbury, bacteria, GES Water, Legionella, legionella risk assessment, legionellaawareness, update, waterhygiene
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